Applying Gitops Network Firewall P3
Architecture Reference : Deploy Multi-VPC Reference :
We create a VPC module with Terraform to reuse and call it whenever we deploy a VPC in Multi-VPC environment such as Spoke, Ingress, Egress, …
The source code available here:
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Applying Gitops Network Firewall P2
Open source tools integrated with Terraform and GitHub Atlantis Atlantis is an application for automating Terraform via pull requests. It is deployed as a standalone application into your infrastructure.
Atlantis listens for GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket webhooks about Terraform pull requests. It then runs terraform plan and comments with the output back on the pull request. When you want to apply, comment atlantis apply on the pull request and Atlantis will run terraform apply and comment back with the output.
Applying Gitops for AWS Network Firewall P1

Multi-account AWS environment Each AWS account is a resource container for AWS Cloud services, an explicit security boundary, a container for cost tracking and billing and a mechanism to enforce service quotas and API threshods. An account acts as an identity and access management isolation boundary.
First, we begin by building resources in a single AWS account that represents a management boundary which segments permissions, costs, and services. However, as the customer’s organization grows, greater segmentation of services becomes necessary to monitor costs, control access, and provide easier environmental management.